Changing Soiled or Wet Children Policy

Dreamworks Afterschool Club is an inclusive setting that welcomes all children. We will always try to adapt our environment in order to meet the individual needs of children who attend. All children are treated with dignity and kindness to ensure the needs of individual children are met and health and safety standards are maintained.

What happens if a child is admitted to DAC who still requires assistance going to the toilet?

DAC acknowledges that this might be a developmental or medical problem and will work with parents to establish a mutually acceptable care and changing plan which is likely to cover the following points:

  • Agreement with the Keble School to ensure that the child is taken to the toilet at the latest possible time before being brought to the Club.
  • When needed, parents to provide pull ups, underwear, and a change of clothing.
  • Agreeing the procedures that will be followed when the child is changed at DAC including the use of any wipes, cleanser or the application of any cream if required.

Staff Procedures

All Nursery and Reception children must be escorted to and from the toilets. Staff should remain visible to others and occasionally check on the child in the cubicle in case they need support.

 If a child wets or soils themselves and/or the surrounding area, staff must do the following:

  • Ensure no other children go near the affected area.  
  • Use gloves and clean the area with tissues until dry (gloves and wipes available in activity shed) and then use antibacterial wipes or sanitizer and tissues to go over the area and any equipment.  
  • Check the child’s bag for a change of clothes, then take them to the toilet to be changed. If there are no spare clothes in their bag, go to the activity shed for spare clothes.
  • Most children will be able to change themselves independently but some may require assistance so a member of staff must remain nearby to supervise.
  • Disinfect the child’s shoes, including underneath the shoe and any equipment that may have been soiled, using antibacterial wipes.
  • Parents will be informed.