Afterschool Care In September…

Afterschool Care In September…
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Dear Parents and Guardians,
We hope that you and your families have kept safe during these most challenging and unusual times. The hope is that DAC will resume in September and Mr Gill is keen to ensure wrap around care continues at Keble however, there are a number of factors that will determine whether it will be feasible for DAC to offer the same service as before and more than likely some changes will need to be made to accommodate new measures that may be put in place to help keep the children safe and reduce the spread of COVID-19, which more than likely will still be impacting all our lives when school resumes.  
Due to the changes in work style/patterns a lot of parents adopted because of lockdown, we need to determine how many families still need after school child care going forward so please could you confirm whether you intend to use the after school club when school resumes and the number of days you would want your son to attend. We will use this information to determine whether DAC can resume so it is really important that we get your response by the 1st of August at the latest.
Please send your response or any queries to;
Wishing you all a nice summer holiday.

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