Back In The Swing Of Things!

Back In The Swing Of Things!

Back in the swing! and hello to our new parents! 

Dear Parents / Guardians, 
Although it may now seem like a distant memory, we hope you and your families had an enjoyable summer break and that you were able to take full advantage of the amazing weather the UK and parts of Europe had. Please spare a few minutes to read the information below and take action where necessary. 
The DAC Plan!
Last year we introduced a few new activities which the boys really enjoyed so for now, this is officially what we do: 

Monday – X box S – Let the games begin!
Tuesday – Arts & Crafts 
Wednesday –  Story time! Group reading sessions!
Thursday – X box One S – Let the games continue!
Fridays – Film Club Fridays! (with freshly made popcorn of course). 

The boys are permitted to play outside daily provided they follow the club rules and the weather is appropriate. They will have the choice to partake in rounders, football, basketball or any free play in general.
The new out door climbing apparatus nick named the ‘jungle gym’ is also proving popular with the boys so they do have a lot of ways to keep active. 

In addition to the daily snack buffet, on Mondays to Thursdays all boys must take part in the 30 minute homework / reading period! (boys in reception and year 1 must read to a staff member).
Snack buffet: below are some images of the what the daily buffet at the club consists of…
Set days attendees
If you have not done so already, please could you confirm ASAP which days your son will be attending DAC and whether he will need to stay for full sessions or half sessions. Also one months notice must be given to change set days if required.
Ad hoc Attendance
If you would like your son to attend on an ad hoc basis, you need to email or send a message to the team at least 48 hours prior. Please email; or you can send a message to the DAC mobile; 07596849761.

Invoice Payments
All booked places must be paid for and once an invoice has been issued it can not be amended. Please ensure you are paying the amount you have been invoiced for only. 
Outstanding invoices
There are still a number of invoices from last year which have not been settled. If you have invoices outstanding please settle as soon as possible or contact Edith if your circumstances have changed. 
If your child requires any medication while at DAC, please ensure you have completed a Permission to Administer Medicine form and that the medicine you leave with us is within it’s expiry date. 
Please ensure your child knows that they must bring trainers with them to club if they wish to go outside and play after the homework period and on Fridays. Boys are not permitted to return to their classrooms once they have joined DAC. 
Homework Time
We have noticed some boys are making noise and talking to one another during homework time, the homework period should be used as a silent study period. Please can you help us to reinforce the message that the should focus and remain silent during the homework period. 

Any tablets or iPad’s that are seen during homework time will be confiscated. Boys should arrive at DAC with their homework. 
Comments & Suggestions
We value your suggestions on how we can make this a better service for you so if there is anything you think we can do to help improve our service, please do let us know. There is a comments and suggestions box on display each day so please feel free to pick up a form, complete and return at your convenience. 

Kind regards, 

The DAC Team. 

Our mailing address is:
Club Number: 07596849761
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