Christmas Party & Half Days @ DAC

Christmas Party & Half Days @ DAC
Dear parents / guardians,

DAC will be running on Friday 13th of December from 12:30pm until 6pm in the main hall.
Parents will need to provide a packed lunch and the snack buffet will be available from 4pm as usual for those staying later. 
The cost from 12:30pm – 3:30pm is £15. The cost from 12:30pm – 6pm is £25.
There is a limit as to how many boys we can accept so please confirm whether you would like your son to attend by emailing or
You will receive confirmation by reply. 

*Please note; DAC will not be running on Wednesday 11th December.

The DAC Xmas Party!!!!

Our Christmas party will be taking place on Tuesday 10th of December. All boys who normally attend DAC on any set days are welcome. Please email the team to confirm whether your son would like to attend the party if Tuesday is not usually his set day. 
Wrapping Up! (not presents).
Please ensure your son has gloves, a hat and a heavy coat if they want to play outside.
Have a great weekend. 

Team DAC
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