DAC May 2018 Newsletter

DAC May 2018 Newsletter
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Dear Parents / Guardians, 

We hope this newsletter finds you well! Please spend a few moments of your time reading this update about what’s going on at the club and what is due to change. 
If you would like your child to the attend club on a Monday, you will need to contact us on the Friday before, by 6pm so that we can confirm with you before the Friday session ends. Please contact us by email;TheTeam@DreamworksAfterschoolClub.co.uk or call or message the club phone: 07596 849 761

***Please remember to sign out the children on collection.***


We are constantly having to remind the boys not to run in the corridor and we have received complaints from school staff about the noise they make. For this reason once boys have arrived at club they will not be permitted to return to their classrooms. Boys who consistently use the corridor as a racing track will not be permitted to play outside or use the xbox. We will be keeping a list of boys who repeatedly ignore our instructions and we will be speaking to parents about this. Any boys who refuse to listen to staff, follow club rules and engage in any type of bullying behaviour, will be asked leave DAC. 

We support: Your Blood Helps

Your Blood Helps is committed to raising awareness about the need for more regular blood donations especially from people of Black and Asian descent. Blood transfusions are essential for people who have serious long term or lifelong illnesses such as Cancer, Leukaemia, Sickle Cell Disease, Thalassemia and more. Blood donations help to save lives, so if you are not already a registered blood donor, you can register at www.Blood.co.uk

World Sickle Cell Day is on the 19th June and Your Blood Helps will be at the West End Donor Centre, meeting and greeting everyone who makes a blood donation on the day. To make an appointment, email your donor ID to:TheTeam@YourBloodHelps.co.uk with your Donor ID and we will make an appointment for you! We have just 80 slots available between 9am and 5pm so don’t delay, register and book your appointment today because Your Blood Helps. Thank you.
Main Hall Doors Locked
We have a few ‘runners’ at DAC so as an extra security measure the main hall doors will now be kept locked once the boys in reception and year one have been brought in. This will help to control who is going in and out of the session. The doors will be unlocked as soon as we see a parent or guardian outside but you may need to knock to get our attention. 
French Students 
We now have two French students, Imane and Oceane who will be at the sessions every now and then. Their main focus will be on admin work therefore you will probably see them on laptops throughout the sessions. However, if the boys would like to practice their French skills, they are more than welcome to approach them. 
Can we ensure that children who would like to go outside have the correct footwear in their bags as stated in the previous newsletter. Some children are still forgetting to bring their trainers to DAC and we have been allowing the boys to go there classrooms to collect their trainers, however we will no longer allow anyone to return to their classrooms once they have joined DAC. 

Thanks for reading and if you have any queries please get in touch. 
Our mailing address and contact number :
Club Number: 07596849761
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