One Down, 11 To Go!

One Down, 11 To Go!
One Down, 11 To Go!

Hello February: One Down, 11 To Go!

Dear Parents and Guardians, 
We are already in our second month of what will hopefully be an exciting and brighter year for everyone.

As always our goal is to ensure the children in our care are safe, have fun and are stimulated so we are looking forward to implementing some changes over the next few months to improve the service we offer. Please take a few moments to read over updates and important reminders:

Snack Time
Each child chooses what they want to eat during snack time and staff assist nursery and reception children with their selection of food if required. If you find your child still feels hungry, please encourage them to let us know so that we can add more to their list. 

Sandwiches: We are reintroducing sandwiches made with wholemeal bread as an alternative to wraps, so the children can let us know what they would prefer over the next couple of weeks. 

Fruit Platters: In addition to the fruit children have already chosen, we will have extra plates of yummy fruit for those who might still feel a bit peckish…  

Self Serve: to help encourage and promote independence, we are reintroducing the self serving of drinks. Our pre prep children will have their own mini jugs and will be supported so they can take part also (lots of tissue will be on standby!). 

Clothing for Cold Weather
With temperatures dipping, especially by 5pm, it is important to ensure your child comes to DAC with appropriate clothing to play outside. Please make sure your child has gloves, a hat and of course a warm coat. When children begin to feel too warm they can then remove layers. 
Quote of the term:
“There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing!”
                                                                     – a DAC parent. 

Screen Time
Although our gaming equipment can only be used by children in year three upwards,  after half term the Xbox will no longer be brought out on Tuesdays and Wednesdays (currently it is not brought out on Mondays). If your child will miss this activity, please email the team with any suggestions of what they might want to do instead and we will also ask them if there are any new activities we can bring in to help keep them occupied.


School I-pads
I-pads should not be brought into afterschool club, we have had too many instances of children pretending to do homework, so unfortunately we must revert back to our previous policy of no I-pads allowed and stick to good old fashioned pen and paper  during the homework period (which reduces screen time further so that’s a plus!). 

– Please remember to sign out when collecting your child/children.
– If someone else is collecting on your behalf please send us a photo so DAC staff recognise them when they arrive. Staff have been instructed not to let anyone onto the premises whom they do not recognise so it is really important you let us know in advance who will be collecting your child.
– Call the club phone for access if you experience any problems at the gate: 07596 849 761

Visitors / parents use of mobile phones
– In the interests of safeguarding we ask all parents and visitors not to use their phones or other devices such as I-phone watches (which have cameras) while at the club.
– The taking of photographs or video recording by parents is not permitted in case other children are captured in the images or footage.

New Hours of Operation
Our weekends now start on Thursdays! DAC sessions now run Monday to Thursday, 3:15pm – 6pm during term time. We are closed on Fridays. 

Our last session before half term is Thursday 13th February. Half term is from Monday 17th – Friday 21st and DAC will resume on Monday 24th February.  

If you would like feedback on your child’s time at DAC, please feel free to ask at collection and if you have any queries, please email;

Wishing you all a great month ahead, 
DAC Team
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